Saturday, August 31, 2019

O’Connor and Chaotic Life

In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, Flannery O’Connor highlights a chaotic family relationship in a chaotic and changing world.   The grandmother is the most animated member of the family and is constantly reminiscing about the past and lamenting about the current state of mankind.Her life is in constant contrast with the lives of the rest of her family; her aloof son Bailey and especially, the disrespectful grandchildren.   In her is the embodiment of southern values and respect, even a sense of piety.   She worries about the loss of values that others obviously disregard and dismiss.She makes an ominous statement about the character â€Å"the Misfit†, who embodies all that is bad in the world that would later make a connection with the setting of the deaths of the family.   In this final setting, the true face of human nature shines through, as the grandmother attempts to reason with the Misfit, to no avail, and then tries to save only her own life an d not the lives of the family.   It is here that it becomes obvious that reasoning with people, in this case the family and the murderer, is impossible in a world of chaos.More importantly, the human condition is presented to show that each person cares more for him or herself than their fellowman.The characters of the mother, baby, and the Misfit’s friends are very peripheral and offer little or nothing to analyze.   The couple at the barbeque place do illustrate turmoil in their lives that is easily connected to the family in the story.Red Sammy is an interesting character, who laments about the dangers of the world, as does his wife and their obvious disconnection with each other in their conversations, point to the parallel nature of an individual in a family.The grandmother seems to not be moved by the way that the woman is dismissed by Red Sammy and this reflects the grandmother’s views of people.   The grandmother constantly says that she is â€Å"a ladyà ¢â‚¬ , so the treatment of Red Sammy’s wife may be looked at by her as fine, because the wife was not as special as she.   There is another instance in the story that illustrates the way that the grandmother feels about herself, in an arrogant sense.When she sees a young black child with no pants, she explains to the grandchildren how poor people are in the country.   Though she makes no mention of how unfortunate this is, instead she begins to talk about her wish to learn how to paint, and how she would paint a picture of that boy in front of his old shack.In believing that she is a lady, she attempts to rule the family and teach the grandchildren about how they should view the world, through her own lens.Although the lens does not fit, as the world has changed and the grandmother goes back and forth between looking to the past and dealing with the future.   There is an obvious disconnect of time here, just as there is within the family.   The obvious disconnect of the family highlighted is the exasperation of Bailey toward his mother and the condescension of the children toward the grandmother.Though the grandmother sometimes acts haughty and overbearing, she does act as if she has the welfare of her family and the world at large in her thoughts and actions.   Though her lie about the plantation leads them all to death.   The lie she tells about the plantation is that there is treasure hidden somewhere in a secret place in the house.This excites the children, as they want to explore the passage and even come up with ways to get into the house (an illegal act itself).   The grandmother knows that this family is very chaotic and unbalanced, so the children would get their way.   The lie and the talk of finding treasure, because of the children’s greed led the family to their destruction, as one lie begins a course of what may be considered sins, to the ultimate sin of all.This lie leads to the meeting with the Misfit.   The Mis fit embodies all that is to be feared in the world.   He is lawless and immoral.   He is dangerous and sneaky.   But his view on the acts that he has done, illustrate the imperfection of every person and even the family, itself.He makes an interesting statement when he reveals that if you murder someone or steal from them, you will be punished.   In this way, the grandmother is forced to face her own demons, as she has believed that she is the most sensible and moral person in the family, but it is this side-tracked and mis-led trip that leads her to the realization that she is neither sensible or moral.She had remembered just before the accident that the plantation was not even in Georgia at all and the adventure that she wanted to take personally was only agreed too, because she lied to the children about its uniqueness.   Had she been sensible and moral, she would have not burdened the family with her lie. This mistake leads them all to death, one she cannot prevent for herself and does not seem to do for the rest of them.In conclusion, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† is an illustration of a chaotic family in a chaotic world.   The grandmother, who acts like a beacon of hope in the family, ends of being the agent of their death.She must come face-to-face with her own demons, literally with the encounter with the Misfit and metaphorically with her own sense of herself.   The finality of the family’s deaths and the continuation of the lives of the Misfit and his friends further shows how there is no real sense of justice in the world, only chaos.   The sense is there too of it being very easy to judge someone else and to then be judged.   The grandmother continuously tells the Misfit that he is not â€Å"common†, showing her disdain for common people. It is that type of judgment that can be said to have caused her downfall from grace.Additionally, it is exactly what the Misfit wants, to be common and to blend in with o thers.   He puts on her dead son’s shirt to be this common person and her last thoughts, arguably, would have been about the way she has led her family, both in their lives and on the final journey they would ever take.Works Cited:O’Connor, F.   â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.†Ã‚   The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, 7th Edition.   Ed. Richard Bausch, R.V. Cassill.   New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 2005.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Critique of the Crito and an Argument for Philosophical Anarchism

A Critique of the Crito and an Argument for Philosophical Anarchism by Forrest Cameranesi In this essay I will present a summary and critique of Plato’s dialogue Crito, focusing especially on Socrates’ arguments in favor of his obligatory obedience to the Athenian state’s death sentence.In response I will argue the position that no one naturally holds any obligation to obey the arbitrary commands of another (or any body of others such as a state), and further that no one can come to hold such obligations even by contract; although people may still be obligated to obey commands issued to them, when what is commanded is obligatory independent of it being commanded by anyone.Thus I will argue that that if, as both Socrates and Crito presume, the command that Socrates be executed is contrary to true justice (that is, contrary to any natural moral obligations, independent of its legality), then Socrates has no obligation to obey it; and in fact those tasked to carry o ut the order are morally obligated to disobey it, and by their obedience become conspirators to a moral crime. The dialogue begins with Socrates in prison, awakening to Crito’s presence in his cell, Crito having bribed the guards to gain entry.After brief pleasantries and some talk of when the day of Socrates’ execution will fall, Crito admits to Socrates that his purpose there is to free him from prison and take him abroad to Thessaly, which he assures him can be successfully done thanks to the aid of a number of foreign benefactors. But Socrates is hesitant to leave, believing himself obliged to remain and allow his punishment to be completed, even though his sentence, they both concede, is unjust.Still, Socrates is eager to be convinced otherwise, if Crito can do so by means of reason, and so Crito plies Socrates with many arguments in favor of his escape, arguing not only that it is possible and desirable to escape, and that Socrates could live well outside of Athe ns, but that it is the just thing to do: for the sake of the welfare of his children, who will suffer without his care; for the sake of standing fast against his enemies in the state of Athens, who are attempting to wrong him by this sentence; and for the sake of his friends’ reputations, which will be besmirched by those who know either Socrates nor his friends, and will think that Socrates died only because his friends could not or would not buy his freedom. But Socrates dismisses these arguments, especially the last, arguing at length that the opinions of the many are not a relevant consideration in any such decision; a very important argument, to which I will return later in this essay. For now the relevant point is that Socrates' only concern, in the question of whether or not to escape, is whether or not escaping is just; not what people at large may think of their decision or what other consequences may follow from it.On the topic of justice, and counter to Critoâ€⠄¢s argument that Socrates is obliged to fight back against wrongs committed against him, Socrates suggests (and Crito accepts) the principle that to return harm for harm is harmful, to return evil for evil is evil, to return injustice for injustice is unjust, etc. ; and thus that such vengeance ought not be perpetrated, for it is just as harmful, evil and unjust as the act being avenged, and one must never do such wrongs.Socrates considers it harmful and unjust to the state to disobey its laws, and feels thus obligated to obey them instead, for to do otherwise would be harmful, unjust, and wrong; and here I disagree with Socrates. Though I accept his principle of justice, that one must not return wrongs in kind for to do so is merely to do more wrong, I do not believe that merely resisting attempted harm to oneself necessarily harms the attacker; and even if the attacker does suffer harm from the resistance it is as a result of his own wrongdoing, not any wrongdoing on the part of the defendant.If someone attempts to strike at me, I step out of his way, and he falls on his face as a consequence, I have not harmed him, although he has come to harm. If he attempts to strike at me, I hold up a shield, and he injures his fist upon it, I have not harmed him, although he has come to harm. Somewhat more analogously to the case at hand, â€Å"harm† may come to a street gang initiate whose initiation task is to mug me, inasmuch as he loses his status within the gang (and perhaps the gang itself loses status in the community), should I evade him and escape; but certainly I did not do that harm, though it was a consequence of my actions.Likewise, â€Å"harm† may come to the state as a consequence of successful disobedience against it, inasmuch as its power and thus its authority will be less respected, but this is not the same as the disobedient one directly harming the state, say in the way a foreign conqueror would. None of these situations involve doing anything directly to harm the aggressor, but rather only the consequences of the aggressor’s own actions failing. Thus, such resistance is not prohibited by the principle that one ought never do harm, for one is not doing harm merely by evading harm, even if harm indirectly results as a consequence of such evasion.Certainly we would not say that it is obligatory to allow oneself to be assaulted or robbed, even if we say that to retaliate in kind is forbidden. In all these circumstances, the aggressors are being harmed as a consequence of their own actions; and in the latter two cases, of the mugger and the unjust state, they suffer only in their reputation, losing the respect or fear and subsequent power they might have otherwise enjoyed, yet which, for their failure, they do not deserve.In my third example, as in the case before Socrates and Crito, the only loss suffered is a loss of reputation and the power that reputation often entails. This connection between reputation and power is an important facet of my argument, for it is self-evident to me that the only significant power the state itself has is its reputation, the respect and obedience that people give to it; with no obedient subjects to enforce its laws over those who are not so obedient, or with insufficient portions of the populace willing to tolerate such enforcement, the state would have no power.In fact I argue that in such a case the state would not exist; and really, that no states ever truly exist, in any strict sense. There are merely masses of people, with an assortment of opinions on what is good, bad, morally neutral, permissible, impermissible, and obligatory; all of whom exert whatever influence they can manage, by whatever means they find best, to see that their opinions on such matters are enforced — that justice, as they understand it, prevails. And when some person or block of people manages to secure sufficiently unchallenged influence ver the behavior of the other people in an area (that is, when sufficient people act to enforce one code of behavior and a sufficient portion of the remainder tolerate them), we falsely attribute the existence of some sort of social entity above and beyond the collection of individual people, and call that entity the â€Å"state†. But even a monarch only has his power because enough people believe in and support the monarchy, and enough of the remainder tolerate it; as has been demonstrated wherever a monarchy was overthrown from within by a democratic revolution.It is important to note, however, that this does not mean that democracy entails legitimacy; it only means that all states are on some deep level democratic, differing only in the degree that the people delegate their power to other people, in effect casting their vote as â€Å"whatever he says. † The prevailing opinions may still be entirely wrong; I merely claim that it will nearly always be the majority opinion which prevails. I say â⠂¬Å"nearly† because this phenomenon is dependent upon the relatively small differences in true personal power between most individuals, which are quickly diluted in larger groups, but still present in sufficiently small groups. A knight may be stronger and more skilled than any peasant, but it does not take many fed-up peasants working together to counter the power of that knight, so as the size of the group the knight is a part of grows, his relative power over the whole group decreases rapidly, unless it is bolstered by the support or at least tolerance of other members of the group.Thus for groups of any significant size, the differences in personal power between individuals can be safely ignored, and so the determining factor is not who supports a position but how many support it). The opinions of the people who encompass the legislature of this â€Å"state† — be it one person as in an absolute monarchy, some minority in an oligarchy, or the majority in a dir ect democracy — then become â€Å"the law†.Those things judged by such people as obligatory become required by law; those things judged as forbidden become prohibited by law; and those things judged as permissible are allowed by the law. But in any form of government, especially in a direct democracy such as ancient Athens, the laws of men are nothing but the opinions of men backed by power, that power resting ultimately in the will of the majority; the only differences between government thus being the degree and structure of power delegation, and what the opinions of those delegates are.With it thus established that states are no more than masses of people and their laws no more than the opinions of said people backed by power, not only do I object to Socrates’ insistence that he must be obedient to the state’s death sentence, but it is plainly obvious to me that Socrates himself ought to conclude this, if he was to be consistent with his own earlier po sition that the opinions of men, as such, are irrelevant, no matter what power they may be backed by. But why, my dear Crito, should we care about the opinion of the many? † says Socrates. â€Å"Good men †¦ are the only persons who are worth considering†. Crito eventually concedes this point, agreeing that the opinions of the many are irrelevant; only the opinions of good men matter. But what is it that makes a man good? Is that not part of what is at question here: which sorts of acts are right and which are wrong, which are just or unjust? (A good man, I take it, being one who acts rightly or justly).Certainly being good cannot be merely being seen as good in the eyes of the many, or supporting the commands of the many, for then the opinions of the many and the opinions of good men could never conflict, as good men by definition would always be of the opinion that the majority is right; and Socrates' statements differentiating their opinions would make no sense. So Socrates must agree that goodness is something objective, independent of the opinions of the many.Yet in the dialogue, after Socrates and Crito discuss at some length their agreement to disregard the opinions of the many in considering what ought or ought not be done, and to consider only what is or is not just, Socrates proclaims â€Å"From these premises I proceed to argue the question whether I ought or ought not to try to escape without the consent of the Athenians†. But from where does this concern for the consent of the Athenians come, when we have just disregarded the opinions of the many (in this case the many of Athens); for what is consent if not simply the opinion that something ought to be permitted?Socrates answers, in the voice of the Laws of Athens (speaking to him): â€Å"You, Socrates, are breaking the covenants and agreements which you made with us at your leisure, not in any haste or under any compulsion or deception, but having had seventy years to thi nk of them, during which time you were at liberty to leave the city, if we were not to your mind, or if our covenants appeared to you to be unfair. In short, Socrates is concerned with his obedience to the people of Athens (or at least the government collectively representing them) because he feels he has implicitly agreed to be bound by the decisions of the Athenian government by remaining in the city. But in response I argue that no one can, by any contract implicit or explicit, alter the natural moral obligations which are binding on all men at all times.The most exemplary and broadly agreeable instantiation of this principle is that one cannot sell oneself into slavery, for all men have natural rights (which is to say, obligations naturally owed to them by others) which they cannot give up even if they so choose.For instance, if we grant that all are naturally obliged to refrain from striking me except in such instances as I consent to them doing so, then while I may vary whethe r or not I consent to be struck, and thus vary whether or not it is morally permissible to strike me at that moment, I cannot vary whether or not it is morally permissible to strike me contrary to my consent, for it is naturally obligatory that none do so. That is, I cannot, in a morally binding way, agree that â€Å"henceforth so-and-so may strike me as he pleases regardless of my consent at that moment†.Any such contract offering terms contrary to natural obligations is invalid; and thus contracts of slavery, whereby one waives all of ones natural rights (which is to say, all obligations naturally owed to oneself by others), are the epitome of invalid contracts. This relates to the situation at hand with Socrates and Crito in that a contract to obey the arbitrary commands of some entity (e. g. the state of Athens), provided only that they are issued forth in prescribed proper manner (e. . by the formal proceedings of the Athenian court) and otherwise irrespective of the con tents of those commands, seems to me no different than a contract to slavery, with the entity in question (the state) as the slave master; for what is slavery but complete subjugation to the arbitrary will of another? Socrates himself admits this similarity, saying (once again in the voice of the Laws, speaking to himself) â€Å"can you deny in the first place that you are our child and slave? Yet Socrates has a reply here as well, already quoted above: he has had many years in which he was free to leave the city if he did not wish to be bound by its laws, and by remaining he has implicitly agreed to be bound by them. Certainly a man cannot be a slave if he is free to leave his bonds at any time. But I respond that even such â€Å"voluntary† bonds are contractually invalid, for remaining on the lands of another still does not make one subject to the arbitrary will of the landowner. The only obligation owed to the owner of some property, as such, is to refrain from acting upo n his property contrary to his consent.Likewise the only punishment the property owner may apply simply for disobeying his commands (but not violating any natural obligations, e. g. harming someone or their property, which may warrant further punishment) is to refuse him the use of his property; in the case of land, ejecting him from the premises. By voluntarily entering and remaining in my home, my guests do not become subject to my arbitrary authority, to be enforced as I see fit; at most I have the authority to eject them from my home, if I grow tired of their presence there.Nor by voluntarily entering a corporate office do I become subject to the authority of the corporation, beyond the revocability of my permission to remain therein. Likewise, even if we grant that the city of Athens is the property of the state of Athens (i. e. of its people collectively, rather than parcelled out into individually owned plots), the greatest punishment morally justified simply for behaving in ways the state dislikes (but not in any way which is truly unjust) is banishment from the city.Thus, while the state may have the moral authority to forbid and punish legitimate injustices (which I agree it does, though no more so than any individual), it does not have the moral authority to enforce its arbitrary will upon those who reside within its borders; it merely has the authority to eject them from its lands if it chooses to do so, for which it needs no cause at all, if it is indeed the legitimate owner of those lands.Thus if Socrates truly believes that he has done nothing unjust, then he should not (if accepts my principle regarding contracts and natural obligations) feel subject to the punishment decreed for him, though he may concede the state’s authority to banish him, if he holds the state to be the legitimate owner of the city.I would further question whether it is right to presume that a state is the legitimate owner of its territory (rather than each citizen o wning their own portion in private, as well as some public portions in common), and thus whether it even has the authority to banish the disobedient; but that is another lengthy topic, for which I do not have room in this essay. In conclusion, I see no reason for Socrates to consider the will of the people of Athens (as channeled via their government) binding pon him; and I believe he should seek an answer to the question at hand, whether or not to escape from his punishment, solely by asking whether he has done anything to warrant that punishment — and it appears that he believes he has not. There is no guarantee that his opinion on this matter is correct; the state of Athens may in fact be correct, and thus Socrtes’ punishment just. But to defer to the public opinion over one’s best judgment is never epistemologically sound.Men of reason do not turn to authority, even democratic authority, to answer questions of biology or chemistry or physics, but instead we appeal to evidence and sound logical arguments to determine the answers; and I see no reason why questions of ethics should be subject to any less rigorous and independent methodologies. By denying that any person, text, or institution has any special epistemic or alethic authority (the ability to magically divine or reveal the truth, or to create it by fiat), we do not deny the existence of objective truth.Nor by denying that any king, law book, or legislature has any special deontic authority (the ability to magically divine or reveal our obligations, or to create them by fiat) do we deny that there are objective standards of justice. In both cases we merely concede that we are all in the same standing regarding truth or justice, respectively; and we leave it to each individual to seek it for themselves, to sway others with arguments where they can, and to act upon it as they deem necessary or appropriate, regardless of decrees or prior agreements to the contrary.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Study On Barbie Global Market Marketing Essay

A Study On Barbie Global Market Marketing Essay International marketing is the performance of a company’s product and services to consumers in more than one nation to produce profit. It is one of the most vital elements of marketing functions to trade their company’s products or services internationally rather than locally. This brings more advantages and benefits the organization itself as well as the country. However, trying to trade internationally influences by many factors and cause difficulties. And it is the task of these companies to study these factors prior in order to initiate business or trade with other countries effectively. These factors include the culture, economic and political factors. This essay’s discussion base on the case study, â€Å"Barbie: The American Girl Goes Global.† â€Å"Barbie is worldwide brand name invented by Ruth Handler defining as a small scale anatomically improbable modelled plastic figure of a human being especially a child’s plaything and collectable dolls.† It is the brand name for Mattel Inc., the organization for producing these toys and dolls. Barbie effectively starts its operation and selling out of its products at the American Toy Fair in New York City in 1959. Since then, Barbie become popular and operate effectively due to its increasing sales and revenues thus earning high profit compare to other American toy markets. Therefore, Mattel Inc expands its marketing situation and trade internationally where Barbie is currently selling out in more than 150 countries. These include European countries, Middle East, India and Japan. Therefore, this writing will discuss how Mattel Inc. deals with different culture issues, economic environment and political factors in these different countries in trying to market its products, the American Barbie doll. Throughout the given case study, it was basically talk about how different culture affects Mattel in trying to sell Barbie in the above mentioned countries. â€Å"Culture i s the acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and generate social behaviour† (Keegan & Green 2003). Each country has its own culture values and different from one another. And because Barbie trade worldwide, Mattel tend to carefully study the culture environment in those countries and analyze culture issues arise. The cultural issues of these countries affected the selling of Barbie can be reflected from different things. These include the language use, the religion involves, the social behaviour and the traditional dress code of each country. However, some economic issues and political factors appear to influence its international trading. Barbie is a worldwide brand and they first entered the US market for selling their products because it was the place of founder. Since then, Ruth Handler realizes the importance of children then decides to produce Barbie to motivate her daughter’s dream of her future. These products were three dimensional adult fe male dolls using by children to play with and it was popular in America because they initiate with high amount of sales of total 351,000 dolls at $3 each for the first year on the market. This occurs because Mattel identify its target market such as the group of children up of 1 to 11 years old and they fully satisfy their needs for toys made of plastic and long lasting rather than the first available dolls were made of paper and cardboard.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Organizations Internal and External Labor Markets Assignment

The Organizations Internal and External Labor Markets - Assignment Example Compensation standards set in the organization are considerably grounded on the internal and external labor market conditions prevailing. For example, in this particular organization, the remuneration standards for those skills and expertise which are found in abundance in the labor marker are kept at low levels, while the rare skills which are rated highly by the organization but not found in abundance in the market need to be remunerated above industry standards. This is done with the aim of attracting, retaining and developing potential talents from the industry which accounts for one of the most potential competitive strengths for the organization (Osterman, 2004, p.2-3). Thus, it is seen how wage rates in the organization are determined and influenced by the existence, abundance or scarcity of human resources in the market. Likewise, the existing internal labor structure and strength of the organization forms the basis on which aspects such as career development planning, succes sion planning etc are designed in the organization. For this, labor forecasts are done to portray the future talents and skills which would be required for meeting organizational objectives. Long-term objectives of the firm might call for an increase in particularly skilled resources while a shrinkage in the demand for some other resources. It is crucial to determine or identify the gaps between the existing level of talent in the organization and the expected future talents which would be required in the organization. The organization plans it’s training and developmental activities based strongly on the skills it desires to nurture for accomplishing future goals. Besides that, the present recruitment and selection strategies are also designed in a way which helps to the future workforce requirements in the organization.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Do mergers create value for the offeror and offeree Essay

Do mergers create value for the offeror and offeree - Essay Example For example, most of the big organizations are currently looking to expand their business to overseas countries in order to exploit the opportunities opened up by the globalization. Merger & Acquisition is one way of business expansion adopted by big companies. Gaughan (2007) defined merger as the combination of two corporations in which only one corporation survives while the merged corporation goes out of existence after the merger process (Gaughan, 2007, p.12). Theoretically mergers and acquisitions should be value creating for the shareholders of both the offeror and offeree companies. But in practice, it is not 100% true. This paper critically evaluates the pros and cons of merger and acquisition to the shareholders of both the offeror and offeree companies Increased market share, lower cost of production, higher competitiveness, acquired research and development know how and patents, Financial leverage, Improved profitability etc are some of the advantages or values for the offeror and the offeree through M & A (Helium, 2010). The offeror and the offeree can increase their customer base through merger and acquisition. For example, consider the recent merger deal between two telecommunication giants, India’s Bharti Airtel and South Africa’s MTN. As per this deal, MTN and its shareholders would acquire around 36 per cent economic interest in Bharti Airtel, while Bharti Airtel would acquire 49 per cent stake in South African telecom giant MTN (Indias 11 largest M&A deals, 2009). The above deal helped both the companies to exploit the opportunities in India and South Africa more judiciously for the mutual benefits. Bharti Airtel will get the assistance from MTN for their operations in South Africa whereas the MTN would get a ssistance from Bharti Airtel for their operations in India. The understanding of business climate and formalities in these countries can be exchanged for the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Is islam enemy of the west Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is islam enemy of the west - Essay Example The handful of Muslim radicals that exist in America has caused typical Americans to begin viewing Islam as the enemy of the West when nothing could be further from the truth. Through factual research, I am looking forward to dispelling the misconception that Islam is the enemy of the West. I will look into the reasons that these misconceptions came about and try to explain the reasons as to why Islam is most certainly not the enemy of the West. To begin with, Americans themselves chose to perpetuate the misconception about how the other Islam followers truly view the United States. People such as Lieutenant Colonel named Matthew A. Dooley have chosen to tell his military troops that; Islam has already declared war on the West† and that hundreds of millions of Muslims â€Å"[b]y their own stated doctrine†¦are motivated and unified under one ideology and one goal. They hate everything you stand for, and will never coexist unless you submit (Stoakes, Emanuel â€Å"Islam is Not â€Å"the Enemy† -- Irrational Hatred Is) It is quite difficult for me to understand how a representative of the United State military could choose to perpetuate such a stereotype of Muslims when the American military has always been viewed as one of the most tolerant armed forces on the planet whose sole mission in life is to bridge the misunderstandings between warring factions in order to bring peace to the region. Perhaps it is because Islam has always been the less understood religion among all the religions in the world that people tend to believe the worst things about its religious beliefs and practices that has caused the misconception about what the religion truly stands for. Things got even worse for the practitioners of the religion who live in America after the Twin Tower attacks because news media outlets heavily promoted the anti American sentiment that supposedly accompanies Islam. Those who insist that Islam is the enemy say that is so because Americans should not break bread with people whose beliefs have chosen to â€Å"violate the American values of pluralism and tolerance.† (Talbot, Matt â€Å"Islam is Not the Enemy†) This is not a topic that should be seen and argued by its practitioners as a clash of cultures and values. It was Wayne Palmer who tried to explain the reality behind the belief that Islam is the enemy of the best by saying that â€Å"American Muslims are our best allies in this war against Islamic terrorism.† (Pastore, Frank â€Å"Islam is Not the Enemy!) The main problem is that the United States, as a country has a problem differentiating between the true teachings of Islam and the distorted point of view that the radical Muslims choose to promote in the name of their version of Islam. Should the Americans only bother to truly understand the underlying basis of Islam, and accept the fact that Islam followers and those of Jewish and other religious faiths have peacefully lived side by side in the Middle East for more than a millenia, Americans will truly see that Islam -- the religion, is not the enemy of the west. Radical Muslims have become the face of Islam across the world, but just like other religions, their belief about Islam is not the only interpretation of the Quaran. Rather, theirs is only the one that has become largely viewed as the true Islam faith because of the way that these people choose to distort the words of Mohammed in their quest to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Study On Embezzlement Behavior Among Public Administrators Research Paper

Study On Embezzlement Behavior Among Public Administrators - Research Paper Example Embezzlement behavior of government officials bears a strong relationship to the low salary payments provided to them that, in turn, fails to support their living conditions in this cost-driven economy (Myint, 2000). Further, the embezzlement behavior of these government officials is found to create potential impacts on the economy of the emerging economies thereby increasing their internal and external debt and similarly deteriorating economic and social structure (Myint, 2000, p.35, 40, and 45). The research design is primarily a structure of a research process, which can be used as a framework for the collection and interpretation of relevant data. Research design consists of what the investigator will do from determining the hypothesis to the process of investigation to collecting and analyzing data to drawing conclusions from the analysis of the data. The primary research method is a process through which an investigator collects data through primary sources. It enables the researcher to gather first -hand information from administrators or those who have experienced such behavior. Experimental design is appropriate for this study to collect data to identify the aspect of low salary that contributes to the behavior of embezzlement of funds among public administrators. This research design provides a blueprint of the process that facilitates the investigator to maintain control over the entire factors that may influence the outcome of an experiment. Embezzlement of funds a mong public administrators is financial fraud and to derive intended outcomes, the study must adopt this method. Experimental Research is frequently used where there is the priority in time in a causal relation or if there is reliability in a causal relation and the magnitude and extent of the correlation is significant. Indeed, ethical leadership in public administration and policy has the mandate to uphold objectives  and organizational culture for the need of improving performance.


SHOULD STUDENTS AND TEACHERS BE TESTED FOR DRUG USE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Research Paper Example The issue of drugs has been identified as one of the major issue affecting education in both private and public schools (Muscat, 2007). However, the public schools are more affected than the private schools. According to Samaha (2011), an assistant vice principal in a public school in the state of New Jersey found a student with marijuana and rolling papers used to smoke it. This is an indication that the student was using drugs that could affect her health and the social health of other students. This case can suggest that the use of drugs might be prevalent among students in all the public schools in the United States. There are also teachers who have been identified by the school administrators of public schools to be using drugs while teaching or before teaching. The use of drugs by both students and teacher is greatly affecting education in the public schools. Therefore, any teacher of all public educational establishments, regardless of whether it is high school, elementary or kindergarten, should be tested for drug use. Moreover, all the students in the public schools, especially the adolescent and young adults, should be tested for drugs. The testing of teachers and students for drug use would help to identify whom drugs affect most. This can help both the school administration and the government to decide the measure that are required to be taken to safeguard the social life of other students, as well as the quality of education. According to Alexander & Alexander (2011), the educational profession is heavily regulated in terms of the expected codes of conduct of the professions, as well as their responsibilities towards one another and towards students. The regulations imposed on this profession are mainly aimed at improving the safety of both the teachers and the students. The regulations are also aimed at improving the quality of education and to promote learning

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Educational Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Educational Philosophy - Essay Example In other words, it is necessary to study all theories that are concerned with the issue of education philosophy, in order to single out the ideas that work from those that are irrelevant. The vital question that one has to answer in order to form an education philosophy is what its main goal is. The ultimate goal of the educational philosophy is to encourage the student’s interest in the subject and help them to become more familiar with the concept. In order to achieve this, teachers are expected to set several goals such as persuasiveness, make students respect the teacher, understand the subject well, have friendly relations with students, create a perfect learning environment, and a proper curriculum. â€Å"Education - like democracy, free markets, freedom of the press, and "universal human rights" - is one of those subjects whose virtue is considered self-evident† (Armitage, 2007). Being educated makes it possible for a person to achieve career goals, to make a contribution to a country’s development and to realize oneself in the field one likes. The most important thing that teachers should expect from students is the ability to think creat ively and an urge to explore life and learn more about it. The ability to analyze any problem and give sound arguments to support the teacher’s point of view does play a great role in everybody’s live and career. To put it another way, teachers wants their students to be inquisitive, creative and reasonable. There are several interactions that could occur in the educational scenario: between teachers, students, the educational community (middle school, college, and high school), parents, and society in general. Among these participants it is necessary to mark out the key participants: the student and the teacher. So, what are their roles and responsibilities? â€Å"Colleges are learning communities, and individuals accepted into these

Friday, August 23, 2019

Management of human resource Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management of human resource - Assignment Example This will result to errors in assessment. The last factor could be the changing job circumstances that may shift the goal post that were being used in the assessment (Hosie, 2006). Proper communication of the results and findings is a way that an individual can apply to bride the gap between the expectation and the actual outcome (Hosie, 2006). Another way that can be applied to cover this difference is through problem solving, which will eliminate all forms of errors, and wastages in the operations. Errors contribute to a decrease in performance, and therefore, avoiding them would be worthwhile. A person who is being rated can also work on interpersonal relationships that will foster teamwork and cooperation among the fellow workers (Chingos, 2002). The person assessing the rating should reconcile the difference by promoting the leadership spirit among the workers (Chingos, 2002). This will encourage continuous self-evaluation in the as an employee performs the tasks that are assigned to them, and enjoy more job satisfaction. The person should also acquire a better understanding of the multisource method to avoid ant y possible mistakes. The method that he chooses to use should be relevant to the nature of the business operations (Chingos,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

African American Culture 5 Essay Example for Free

African American Culture 5 Essay Question# 4: African cultures, by and large, bring a similar world view to the relationship between man and the spiritual realm, one that is marked by an extremely personal interaction. In the broader African spiritual world human beings are seen to be under the constant influence of other people, their ancestors, minor deities, the Creator, and various forces of nature. As a result the African spiritual world can be described as interactive since all things are endowed with life-force. How is this idea expressed in ritual approaches to morality, wrongdoing, and spiritual empowerment? African American religion has always been heavily involved and influenced by the notion of morality, wrong doing and spiritual empowerment since the slave days if not earlier, African Americans came to embrace Protestant Christianity and adapted their own version of it which is consistent with evidence in the 19th century and a little bit of the 18th, at the time Christianity had little effect on slave society through the efforts of Anglicans, but it was not because African Americans rejected the gospel but because whites seized Christian brotherhood from blacks. As blacks in the South and in the British Caribbean struggled to develop individual and collective identities from the ideas and ways of African culture and their new conditions of life, the series of efforts by evangelicals to convert slaves eventually gave rise to a distinct African-American form of Christian theology, worship style, and religious community. The importance of religion and having their own take on it is among African Americans, as among all people, rests on fulfilling the human need for an understanding of one’s place in both the spiritual and temporal world. Although it was difficult, African Americans discovered in evangelical conversion requirements an opportunity to reassert personal authority based on their ability to communicate directly with God and to bring others to recognize the need for personal repentance and acceptance of Jesus. A perfect example that supports the connection between religious involvement and a sense of personal identity, is found in a slave woman who, back then it was not common for them to tell missionaries that her people have come from across the sea and lost their father and mother, and therefore want to know the Father. The displacement of Africans, for whom locality was critical to interactions with the spiritual world, did not strip them of their religious identity, but required them to learn the spiritual landscape of their new home and reshape their practices accordingly. â€Å"Come Shouting to Zion† details the many religious rituals that Africans preserved in the new world, especially those surrounding fundamental life events such as the birth and naming of children, marriage, burial ceremonies, and ritual dancing and singing to communicate with ancestors and deities. The influence of Africans with many diverse but fundamentally similar cultures in a strange new land encouraged slaves to form new pan-African cultures, which grew increasingly popular as later generations of slaves were born into bondage in America, establishing a distinct African-American culture. The pidgin African-English is a prime example of Africans in American creating a system of communication that was not traceable to a particular African ethnic origin, nor was it a perfect imitation of American English, but was instead shared by blacks in America. As slaves first encountered a foreign language that whites wished them to learn well enough to be more productive but not well enough to pose a threat to the race-based socioeconomic hierarchy, so they became acquainted with Christianity at the will of whites, but when given the opportunity, appropriated it for their own purposes. In the early encounters between slaves and Christianity it is without question that African, and particularly American-born slaves, sought a spirituality that would explain or show their temporal condition. Some salves looked to a theology of liberation and equality among Christians, which they could glean from 18th century evangelicals, mostly Anglicans, who tried to downplay these aspects of biblical teaching. The early period of evangelism was restricted by the fears of slave-owners that slaves who converted to Christianity would feel empowered to revolt against their bondage. Several conspired rebellions and many smaller incidents of black assertion were linked to blacks who had heard enough preaching to identify themselves with the enslaved nation of Israel. This fed the fears of whites, and Anglicans continued to complain that the planters who prohibited them from educating slaves on religious matters were the largest hindrance to saving African American souls. While racism was strengthened and slaves were unable to improve their social status by conforming to white European-American values, very few blacks found the Christian message Anglicans shared with them appealing . Anglican churches maintained strict separation of rich and poor, white and black, during services and sacraments. The high-church emphasized that learned men alone were authorized to teach and that blacks would listen without questioning and to accept the extension of their temporal message and isolation from whites into the religious sphere. Under these terms, it is I am not surprised that Christianity failed to take root as a meaningful religion, a spiritual world that Africans wanted to live in. But it is essential to recognize the role of whites in shaping the message that Africans were allowed to hear, and the role specifically of slaveholders in excluding blacks from access to Christianity. That blacks expressed their agency in rejecting this early version of Christianity offered to them. . At the same time Anglicans were confused over their lack of success in the Southern mainland, Moravians made a significant impact on blacks in the Caribbean by bringing a different vision of a Christian community. Moravians, Methodists, Separate Baptists, and a few other missionaries in the late 18th and early 19th centuries who sought out African Americans stressed spiritual, if not always worldly, equality. Africans identified with and embraced images of a savior who had suffered like they did, and joined these Christian images with African musical modes of expression to create spirituals that reminded: â€Å"Jesus been down to de mire/ You must bow low to de mire† (Stuckey, 139). However, you must finally accept Christianity as an affirmation of their lowly place in society and a divine exhortation to obedience and docility, as many white slaveholders had hoped they would. Rather, blacks found opportunities at biracial revival meetings which were meetings held at locations most often church, in which slaves and blacks were black would interpret what they heard and to share their divinely inspired interpretations of Christian faith, even from pulpits. During this critical period when a significant portion of blacks in the Caribbean and American South were first offered Christianity, they clearly adopted it and transformed it into something that was their own. After the period of revivals that first sparked wide-scale conversions in the South, many African-Americans focused on building a community in which they could support one another and worship in their own African-influenced style. Local black congregations extended their religious community, most notably with the founding of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in1816. As an institution spanning several states, the A. M. E. Church allowed blacks to take part at different levels in a collective, hierarchical social system as had never before been possible under American slavery. blacks continued to participate as minorities in biracial congregations (still with segregated seating) in most parts of the south and the expanding frontier, but found fewer opportunities to become ordained preachers or lay leaders in mixed parishes, where they were likely only to be allowed to â€Å"exercise the gift, provided they teach sound Doctrine sic† under the approval of whites (Frey Wood, 166). In the creation of their own religious communities in which no whites were present to criticize â€Å"overemotional† black forms of religious expression and persisting practices, such as polygamy and dancing, African-Americans actively designed a spirituality that fulfilled their needs in the slave societies of the Americas. African-American religiosity was then, as it is now, â€Å"centered on extended and expanding families and households, the importance of self-determination and personal dignity, mutual aid, and shared responsibility for the progress of the race† (Hortons, xi). In my opinion, African agency is most clearly supported by evidence of Africans defining their faith, modes of worship, and religious ties as part of a larger emerging African-American culture. Change was a relentless fact of life for Africans in 18th and 19th century America, most tragically present in enslavement and removal from Africa and domestic trade within the Americas that broke up families as masters bought and sold property. Outside the personal struggles of individual slaves, the changes in ideology and society wrought by the era of the American Revolution exposed Africans and their descendents to evolving external ideas about their place within American society, their rights as humans, and their needs as spiritual beings. Religion was one of the few arenas in which African-Americans could control the changes in their individual lives and their culture as a whole. Evolving religious traditions provided individuals over generations with a source of spiritual renewal and a supportive community and prepared an institution that could serve future generations. The long and turbulent transition from African forms of religiosity to African-influenced forms of Protestantism shows that black Americans created, out of all religious ideas and structures available to them, a faith that was their own. Question#3 The musical selections in this section come from Africa and the Americas. Some are examples of the preservation of traditional musical styles; others are examples of the adaptation of traditional modes of expression to modern styles. Prevalent in each performance is the use of either percussion instruments such as drums or singing in groups or by soloists. How do these musical selections exemplify a common African musical aesthetic, i. e. rhythmic syncopation, call-and-response, melodic constructions, vocal colors, in both traditional and contemporary expressions? African dance has contributed many characteristics to dance in America. We see evidence of this in many aspects of dance today. Being such a diverse nation, America has the blessing of combining original dances from different cultures to create an amazing dance repertoire. American dance as we know would be completely different, if it weren’t for the Africans. African dance began with the different rhythms of the tribes. Its roots in America began with the slave trade. The American slave trade began in 1619, (However, Africans were imported as slaves to the West Indies staring almost a century before that) with the arrival of Dutch trading ships carrying a cargo of Africans to Virginia. They were first brought over by boat to places such as Brazil, Cuba, and Haiti. Eventually different countries end up taking over those nations and slaves fall under their rule. In Brazil, the Portuguese take over, in Cuba the Spanish take over, and in Haiti, the French take over. The retaining of African culture by those in slavery was stronger in the other nations than in America, as the Spanish and French rulers adhered to the more lenient view of dancing taken by the Catholic Church. In America, the Protestant church strongly disapproved of dance. Therefore, dances that occurred in the West Indies, Brazil, Haiti and Cuba retained more of the African dance structure, than those in America did. Those dances can be classified as recreational or sacred. An example of a recreational dance is the Juba, which was a competitive dance where opponents would outdo each other in feats of skill, sometimes while balancing something on their head. Sacred dances were based on the worship of religious gods. The goal of the dance was for the dancer to become possessed by the god so that it would speak through the dancer. Two examples are voodoo and Shango dances. Traces of the African religious practice of possession, or disengaging from reality through the combined effects of music and dance, can be detected in the appeal of some forms of jazz dance. In America, the dance movement of Africa was restrained mainly by two factors: the attitude of the church towards dancing as being immoral and the restricted use of the primary African instrument (the drum). Drumming was banned in 1739 following a slave insurrection. White plantation owners responded by banning all drums and that forced slaves to search for other percussion options. They substituted with banjos, clapping hands, stomping feet, and the fiddle. Dances that occurred on the Plantations were for recreation and religious reasons also. Because of the European influence in America, the movement gave a distinct American appearance, rather than a strictly African one. Many dances imitated animals. There were also circle dances and dances for celebrations. Another category that emerged was competitive dances. The most well known one was the cakewalk. The slaves had witnessed their owners’ dancing festivities and imitated their stiff upper bodies while contrasting it with loose leg movements. The owners enjoyed watching this and gave a cake to the best dancer. The observation of African dancing by the whites led to them stereotyping the dancing slave. They began to blacken their faces and imitate them using such indigenous movements as the ‘shuffle’. The imitation dances by whites started an era of American entertainment based on the stereotype on the dancing ‘Negro’. Before the Civil War, professional dancers were mostly white, with the exception of William Henry Lane. He was also known as Master Juba and was a freeborn slave thought to be the best dancer in the World. He had lived in Manhattan where the Irish immigrants also lived. His dancing was a combination of Irish jig dancing and African rhythm, just like the slaves who were forced to compete with the Irish migrant workers aboard the ships. Both his movements and the Nigerian slaves are said to be the start of tap dance. Minstrelsy was also a popular form of entertainment in America from 1845 –1900. The Minstrel show was a group of male performers that portrayed the Negro as either slow and shuffling or sharply dressed and quick moving. The minstrel show proved prominent in spreading vernacular dances like the cakewalk and jig dancing on a wide scale. The next major change after minstrelsy came with the birth of ragtime music and ballroom dancing after 1910. A bunch of animal dances were seen in white ballrooms. Examples were the Turkey Trot, and Chicken Scratch. The invasion of ballrooms with native inspired dances set the stage for the same process to occur on Broadway. Zeigfield borrowed some of these dances for his Follies. Social dance became introduced on the theatrical stage. The big aspect being borrowed wasn’t the actual dances, but their swinging qualities. In 1921, Shuffle Along featured a jazz inspired dance called the Charleston. It left the audience with a lot of energy and a new respect towards black dancing. Tap was now also brought to white audiences and the musical comedies took on a new, more rhythmic life. In the late 1920s, jazz inspired songs replaced the popular white standards and America accepted Jazz music as its own. Louis Armstrong was a big part of the creation of swing music. It was a style of jazz music that emphasized African influenced rhythm and was played by big bands. Faster and sharper footwork came about and the Lindy was the new dance craze. It incorporated the shuffle and glide and buck and wing movements from early African dances. The Lindy was significant for starting jazz dance styles used in later musicals. It also gave the opportunity for white choreographers to experience African swing. Jazz music and dancing slowed down in popularity after WWII. Technology and music were evolving. The beat became more complex and musicians like Charlie Parker and Dizie Gillespie explored more with improve. The overall result was, jazz music became something more to listen to rather than to dance socially. The advent of Television in the 1950s also kept people at home instead of on the dance floors. African American dance became more of an artistic expression than a social means. Professional companies and dancers restored early African rhythms and the beauty and emotion of their traditional songs, including Catherine Dunham’s Shango, Alvin Ailey’s Revelations and Bill T. Jones’ Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In the past 50 years, African American dance has been rich in innovations as well as connections with the past. The definition of professional dance has broadened beyond ballet, modern, and jazz. Popular and social dances, including the urban black dance forms of break dancing and hip-hop have been recognized for their artistry and expressiveness. Dance created and performed by African Americans has become a permanent part of American dance. Every dancer and almost every person in America, in one way or another has danced steps that resemble early African polyrhythmic movements. Personally, I think the dance World in America could no have flourished as well as it did without it’s African influences. since the slave trade the drum has been used all over the world as a means of communication and self expression. Its broad variety of users includes the early African tribes, using them for ceremonial purposes. The Africans brought drums with them to the Americas and helped to develop their popularity among American musicians. In the mid 1900’s drum sets were brought about. These revolutionary collaborations of percussive pieces started off with a pair of hi-hats, a bass and snare drum, and a couple of tom toms. Later as the music progressed, so did the drum kits, completely eliminating the need for an entire drum section. With the coming of the rock and roll movement the drum kits were changing, they needed to accommodate the new music styles. They became sonically diverse and even electronic drums were brought about; making them infinitely adjustable both ergonomically and musically. With every major drum manufacturer competing to have the best product on the market drums will always be evolving. African American musicians and early slaves choose to use drums as a common form of expression because of the deep bass that was used to duplicate heart beat and thunder. The sound waves for open ended and string instruments is fairly straight forward. However, for a closed end instrument, such as a drum, the sound waves are different. A lot of the energy is dissipated through the shell of the drum, which is the reason for the variance in drum construction these days. Many different kinds of wood are used to generate different sounds, or a different amount of energy absorption. For a warmer, deeper sound maple construction is used while birch is used to get a high, resonant tone full of vibration. The heaviest wood that dissipates the most amount of energy is oak, creating a lower, flat sound. Question#1 I believe that Egypt’s economic progress over the last decade is a great example of showing how They have come a long way and are still vastly improving. Egypt is the third-largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa region (after Saudi Arabia and Israel), as well as one of the strongest, with significant potential for future economic growth and diversification. With a real commitment to economic reform, which favors a large privatization program and the encouragement of private investment and growth. The improvement in Ghana is evident in how their country has such a diverse economy. The Gold Coast was renamed Ghana upon independence in 1957 because of indications that present-day inhabitants descended from migrants who moved south from the ancient kingdom of Ghana. By West African standards, Ghana has a relatively diverse and rich natural resource base Mineralsprincipally gold, diamonds, manganese ore, and bauxiteare produced and exported. Exploration for oil and gas resources is ongoing. Timber and marine resources are important but declining resources. Agriculture remains a mainstay of the economy, accounting for more than one-third of GDP and about 55% of formal employment. Cash crops consist primarily of cocoa and cocoa products, which typically provide about one-third of export revenue, timber products, coconuts and other palm products, shear nuts , and coffee. Ghana also has established a successful program of nontraditional agricultural products for export including pineapples, cashews, and peppers. Cassava, yams, plantains, corn, rice, peanuts, millet, and sorghum are the basic foodstuffs. Fish, poultry, and meat also are important dietary staples. Ghanas industrial base is relatively advanced compared to many other African countries. Industries include textiles, apparel, steel (using scrap), tires, oil refining, flour milling, beverages, tobacco, simple consumer goods, and car, truck, and bus assembly. Industry, including mining, manufacturing, construction and electricity, accounts for about 25% of GDP. I strongly believe that since Ghana and Egypt have improved so vastly it is helping African Americans improve in general, the saying â€Å"We come from a long line of kings and queens is such a truthful statement if you look back on history. We have a lot of ancestry that lies within Ghana and Egypt. With the knowledge of the past it will help us to continue realize our past and bring us to terms with the future. We can reverse the process by not letting people hold us back and to not blame others. I also believe that strong knowledge of Ghana and Egypt and Mali, will also further our culture by being educated and not told how our past was. There are a lot of invention by many great African Americans that most people do not know that black inventors were behind the idea, not that is matters that a black or a white person constructed or came up with an idea for a patent, it is essential that we are have contributed just as many things if not more than any other culture. There have been so many contributions to society to western civilization and I feel it is so important that we surround our selves with knowledge of our ancestors because they worked hard to get us to the point today where we are able to vote and the possibility of a black president. The saying that we come from a long line kings and queens is so powerful because it shows you that black really is beautiful and if you retrace our ancestors you will find out that our people were just as important as kings and queens. Lewis Temple was the inventor of a whaling harpoon called the Temples Toggle and the Temples Iron. He was born in Richmond, Virginia in 1800 and arrived in New Bedford, Massachusetts in 1829. He worked as a blacksmith and had lots of friends that were whalers who bought harpoons and had lots of conversations with them. Granville T. Wood was known as the black Edison. Woods was born in Columbus, Ohio on April 23,1856. He never finished elementary school and he worked in a machine shop at a very young age. He moved to Missouri in 1872 at the age of sixteen. By 1881 he opened a factory in Cincinnati, Ohio and manufactured telephone, telegraph and electrical equipment. He filed for his first application for a patent in 1884 for an improved steam-boiler furnace. Woods patented the telographony , a combination of the telegraph and the telephone. He produced one of his most important inventions in 1887, it was called the Synchronous Multiplex Railway Telegraph. It enabled messages to be sent from moving trains and railways stations. In 1890 he set out to improve the lighting system by creating an efficient safe economical dimmer. It was safer and and resulted in 40% energy savings. Woods also created an overhead conducting system for electrical railways and the electrified third rail. By the time of his death in 1910 he had 150 patents awarded to him all together. Lewis H. L was a pioneer in the development of the electric light bulb. He was also the only black member of the Edison Pioneers, a group of inventors and scientists who worked with Thomas Edison. He was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts in 1848 and was raised in Boston. He enlisted in the Navy and served as a cabin boy on the U. S. S Massaoitta the age of sixteen. Latimer was given the assignment to draw plans for Alexander Graham Bells telephone patent . In 1879 Latimer went to work as a draftsman for Hiram Maxim, who invented the machine gun and headed the electric lighting company. Latimer worked on improving the quality of the carbon filament used in the light bulb. In 1882 he received a patent for an improved process for manufacturing carbon filaments. Gerrett is best remembered for his invention of the gas mask and the three way traffic signal. Mogan was born on March 4,1875 in Paris, Kentucky. He left school after fifth grade at the age of fourteen. He left Kentucky and headed for Cincinnati, Ohio and got a job as a handy man in a sewing shop. Morgan directed his attention to the frequent instances of firemen being overcome by fumes and thick smoke when they went into burning buildings. He perfected breathing device which he patented in 1914. In 1923morgan patented an automatic traffic signal which he sold to the General Electric Company for four thousand dollars. In 1963 Garrett A. Morgan died at ht age of 88 in Cleveland, Ohio after he was ill for two years. Just to name a few ,those were a couple of major contributors to the African American culture and western civilization.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Aldi and Lidls Market Strategy: A Comparison

Aldi and Lidls Market Strategy: A Comparison Aldi and Lidl are both successful grocery retailer stores that started off their business in their home country Germany and ended up expanding their markets to almost all parts in Europe. In case of Aldi, they even have their stores in Australia and Unites States. They both had the perfect market strategies for their grocery retail store that helped them increase their profits on a larger scale. While Aldi followed a Hard discount strategy, Lidl followed a Soft discount strategy. Because of their huge success, the companies are now trying to enter the markets of Russia, Croatia, Mexico, Brazil etc. ALDI: Aldi is a German grocery retail store that offers HARD discount i.e. they sell less number of items (store brands) at a very cheap price which increases their profit. Aldi was founded by Karl and Theo Albrecht in the 1960s. Aldi is short name for Albrecht Discount. They had a simple strategy of increasing their sales volume and profit by subsidising the prices of the product. They had a minimalistic approach wherein they did not spend much on the store design, customer care or advertisement. They sold their products in warehouse like stores. By decreasing the prices of the products, they were able to sell more number of products and hence larger profit. Their target consumers were the average budget consumers who prefer quality products at lower prices. They followed the theory of economies of scale. If we were to compare Aldi and Lidl in terms of their sales volume, Aldi could be found to have more market in Germany than in a foreign market. Lidl could be seen to have more sales volume in foreign markets than Aldi. Aldi has now reached market saturation on Germany and is now looking forward to expand their markets further and target a different audience. They had a turnover of  £2.76bn in 2011 (The Grocer, 2011). Aldi has over 9000 stores all around the world now. LIDL: Lidl is also German grocery retail store that offers SOFT discount i.e. they sell larger number of items that include both branded products and store products at lower prices. Lidl was opened in 1973 by Dieter Schwarz in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Lidl entered France in 1988. They now have stores almost all over Europe and also in some parts of South America. COMPARISON- SALES VOLUME: If we were to compare Aldi and Lidl in terms of their sales volume, Aldi could be found to have more market in Germany than in a foreign market. Lidl could be seen to have more sales volume in foreign markets than Aldi. REASONS WHY ALDI AND LIDL CHOSE GREENFIELD INVESTMENT STRATEGY: Greenfield investment strategy is where a company buys a land and builds its store from zero level. Aldi had a strategy of buying lands in remote districts or in regions where the cost of property is low so as to spend minimum and gain maximum. Greenfield investment strategy helps the company to integrate with the culture of a foreign market i.e. if they are targeting a foreign country. Companies could even get tax subsidies from the foreign country they are trying to penetrate on the basis that they provide employment to the locals there. Employing locals is even more beneficial as they help in better understanding of the culture in the foreign land which could in turn help in adapting and modifying their products and strategy according to the cultural differences. Aldi and Lidl were able to adapt better to the foreign markets because of this strategy as it helps in a better understanding of the market in terms of customer preferences and tastes. This strategy had a positive impact on emerging markets as there was generation of employment, exchange of knowledge and increase of living standards. Hence, the Greenfield investment strategy was beneficial to Aldi and Lidl as their primary market strategy while entering a foreign market. TO IMPROVE ITS IMAGE OF AN UNDERCLASS DISCOUNTER IN THE U.K AND IN SWITZERLAND, WHY ALDI ENLARGED ITS PRODUCT RANGE AND OFFERED A HIGHER SERVICE LEVEL TO CUSTOMERS? PROBLEMS AND RISKS ASSOCIATED: Aldi had to depart from its hard discount strategies it had back there in its home country Germany. Of course they had to come up with new strategies to survive and to make profits in the new foreign market. When they entered the UK and Switzerland, they had to face competitions from the local brands already situated there. Also in UK, cheaper goods were looked upon as low in value and quality. Hence Aldi had to increase the prices of goods so as to attract the consumers and ensure that they sell quality products. Only recently they increased the price of milk again in September, 2012. They did this so as to breakdown the image of an UNDERCLASS discounter. Prices in the UK and Switzerland are almost two times of that in Germany. Aldi also did some advertising campaigns to attract customers. In UK they started offering wide options of meat products. The sales have doubled in the UK as of 2012 survey. Aldi also had to adapt their products to suit the customer needs. They did not sell G erman products; instead they relabelled them in Switzerland and also sold regional products to satisfy the customer demands and tastes. This shows the importance of having and understanding strategies to be a winner in a foreign market. RISKS- Since Aldi is breaking way from its image of a hard discount provider and changing its strategy to survive the foreign market by increasing its price range, it could lose its customers to Lidl. In foreign markets like the U.K and Switzerland, Aldi no longer stands as an example of hard discount strategy. They spend money on customer service, advertising campaigns, store building and designing following which increase the selling price of the goods. They now sell quality products at high price. They have started un-using the very basic strategy- selling at low prices for increased profits-for which they were known. Because of their changed image, they are at risk of losing their customers. INTERNATIONALISATION OF LIDL- FAST PUSHING AND ALDI- SLOW AND WELL- CONSIDERED? REASONS? It is true that the internationalisation process of Lidl is fast and pushing while that of Aldis is slow and well considered. Aldis slow and considered approach is quite evident from the fact that it enters a foreign market with a gap of around 10 years. Aldi initially operated in Germany only. It moved to Austria only in 1967 i.e. seven years after its opening and success in the home country Germany. After ten years in Austria it entered the US market. This shows that Aldi first studies the foreign market, the scope for their growth, identifies the target consumers and come up with strategies before venturing into a foreign market. As the case study mentions, in Switzerland, Aldi first targeted German speaking regions of the country following which they penetrated their expansion. Aldi is quite cautious before venturing into a foreign market as clearly shown by the examples above. Lidl on the other hand is quite fast in their approach. They follow a sort of trial and error method. This could be seen by the way they entered Poland and Norway. At times it worked for them, but at times it has also led them to huge losses (for e.g. in Norway) In 2007, when they expanded to Poland, they were able to make huge profits as compared to the rival Aldi. This is because when Lidl entered Poland, there were lesser or no competition in the market and they were able to get a fresh start and attract customers with offers that were new for the Polish customers. On the other hand, Aldi had to face more competition as by the time they entered, the markets had matured and saturated with more competitors. But this kind of adventurous venturing could also be harmful at times for example, in Norway in 2008; Lidl had to sell its stores to the local competitor Rema due to the failure of their strategies. First of all Norway has a unique population density spread and a different geographic location. Because of this the logistics and implementation became costlier and led to losses. The location of the shop was also seen as wrong by Werner Eversten (Head of Lidl, Norway). Also there were some internal management problems like, the top management officials kept changing which in turn affected the strategy and planning process of the company. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF ALDIS STRATEGY. WHICH STRATEGY DO YOU RECOMMEND TO LIDL IN TERMS OF ITS GEOGRAPHICAL PRESENCE UNTIL 2020? Aldi is known for its well-considered approach. It still has more foreign markets other than in Europe as compared to Lidl. Advantages: Since they go for deep study of the market, the strategies required and the local demands of a foreign market, it works positively for the company as they are able to adapt to a foreign market in a better manner. Venturing into markets like the US added to their profits because they were first to offer discounts and they experienced the First mover advantage. They had fewer competitors there. They work on the theory of economies of scale and penetrate into new markets where this is a new and a strategy never heard of. They avoid risks by carefully studying and analysing the market. DISADVANTAGES: When Aldi entered foreign markets, it had to change its strategies to adapt to the customer demands of that country. As a result it had to bring in customer service schemes, advertisements, pamphlets, store designing which increased their expense. They had to increase their prices to cover for this thus shifting from their hard discount strategy. Due to this they could lose the customers in the lower income strata of the society. They will have to face the common and obvious risk of internationalisation i.e. understanding cultural differences (like in the UK) and facing the local competitors. Strategy for Lidl: Lidl has always entered foreign markets in haste. It never considered the market demands or analysed the scope or the strategies. This could do harm to the company like it did in Norway where they had to sell off around 50 stores. They open a large number of stores simultaneously in a foreign environment which is quite risky and could lead to huge losses and debts. They could have analysed more on the cultural aspect and customer tastes/preferences of the people that exist in a foreign market. They could open a few outlets initially to study the level of acceptance of their store in the foreign market and then go for gradual increasing in number of stores. They could also analyse a foreign market before they enter so as to adapt well into the market and have better strategies. They could consider the location and geography of the country before they venture to avoid huge risks. Lidl could also consider entering emerging markets like India, China, and Brazil where there is a huge market for discounted items. If they could have a well-planned strategy before they enter these markets, they could make huge profits. For example, in India, there is a large young population who are attracted to foreign store outlets and also middle-class population that prefer items in low prices. There is a promising and potential market for Lidl in India and also in China. They could have to deal with the cumbersome regulations by government but with perfect implementation of strategies, they could be a huge success there.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Issues of Multinational Corporations

Issues of Multinational Corporations In todays global world, there have increasing trends of international geographic diversification which can be define as a business expansion across the borders of global regions into different geographic location with many subsidiaries in a large numbers of countries- Multinational Corporations (MNCs). MNCs have taken on an increasing role and become the key component in the world economy as a whole and in globalization of market. International business scholars have argued that international diversification is vital because it is based on exploiting imperfections and foreign market opportunities through internalization (Rugman, 1979, 1981). Today global was become more challenges; as a result, many multinational companies (MNCs) seek to expand their business in the international geographic region through aggressively establishing subsidiaries and direct foreign investment to increase the return and lower the risk as well as enhance the value of shareholders equity By looking at the past and more recent survey, it seems that the number of MNCs that are bases in Malaysia have increased significantly over the year (Bala UNCTAD, 1999; Annuar et al., 1996 and Heenan Keegan, 1979). Bala (1999) points out as of 1997; half of the firm that is listed on KLSE is MNCs. This mean over the year to year, Malaysia has increased on the international diversification. Many MNCs from developing countries such as Malaysia also build up their operation in oversea. For example, the company in Malaysia that operates abroad is PETRONAS and IOI. Have MNCs or international diversification really bring benefits to the business. As shown by David and Qian (1997), firms anticipate positive returns on the foreign investments or else they will not involve in the activities. Therefore if the previous performance of Malaysia MNCs on investments overseas is good, it will encourage more of such investments. However, MNCs is also exposure to some international risk that firm must pay more attention. Those risks are exchange rate movement exposure foreign economy exposure and political risk exposure. Problem Statement This study focuses on Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Malaysia that listed in the KLSE. In previously discussion, some of the researchers found that international geographic diversification by MNCs will bring benefits to company. However, sometime MNCs may contribute less and no significant effect through international geographic diversification. Firm seeks to invest in foreign country due to many factors. Isnt international geographic diversification will bring benefits to the firm? If foreign investment no brings any advantages to the firm, no points to firm diversify in outside country. This study will focuses on the impact of diversify in other geographic region. Furthermore, a lot of researchers are most likely to look at outside country perspective compare to look at Malaysia perspective on MNCs. In Malaysia, more researchers are seldom focuses on analyze the impact of Malaysia MNCs to the risk and return performance. That is a reason for this study to analyze the influence of MNC in Malaysia risk and return performance. Objective This study is to determine the impact of international diversification on Malaysias risk and return performance. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Define of MNC Multinational Corporations (MNCs) is a corporation that has operation and production of fixed assets or other facilities in at least one overseas country and makes its major management decisions in a global context. Sometimes it also called as transnational corporation (Vernon, 1971). According to the Eun Resnick (2004), multinational corporation (MNC) is a business firm incorporated in one country that has sales operations and production in several other countries those in abroad countries. This mean a firm obtains the raw materials from one geographic market from other, after that, produces the goods with capital equipment in third country, and finally sell the finished product in other international markets. Furthermore, according to Dunning (1993), a multinational corporation is an enterprise that engages in activities such as foreign direct investment (FDI) and owns or controls value adding in more than one country. 2.2 The Advantage and disadvantage of MNC There have some advantages of MNCs. An increasing of the geographic scope of operation may enhance a firms ability to coordinate or share its international geographic activities (Kimet al. 1989, Qian 1997). It enables a firm to realize about the economies of scale and scope (Caves, 1996). For example, firm can get cheaper labor in certain countries compared with their parent company and used technology to reduce costs. It helps it to diminish fluctuations in profit by spreading its investment risks over other different countries (Kim, Hwang, Burgers, 1993). It helps reduce costs and increase revenues by enhance a firms market power over its distributors, suppliers and customers (Kogut, 1985). Although these are the major exploitation benefits of MNCs, the initial impetus to a firms internationalization comes from the opportunity to exploit market imperfections in the cross-border use of its intangible assets (Caves, 1971). A firm can gain above-normal returns by exploiting its firm-specific assets, especially intangible ones, in international markets (Buckley, 1988). Recently, scholars have drawn attention to the exploration benefits of internationalization using an organizational learning perspective. This perspective emphasizes that a firms subsidiaries in disparate host countries can help to enhance its knowledge base, capabilities, and competitiveness through experiential learning (Barkema and Vermeulen, 1998; Delios and Henisz, 2000; Zahra, Ireland and Hitt, 2000). In addition, each host country has its own unique resource endowments and location specific advantages, which might not be available in the home country. Such host country specific advantages can motivate a firm to establish subsidiaries there to explore these advantages and augment its competitiveness in both its home and host markets (Kogut Chang, 1991). Finally, Technology transfer can in turn generate significant positive externalities with wider implications for development (Graham , 1996).In Malaysia, for example, Motorola Malaysia transferred the technology required to produce a particular type of printed circuit board to a Malaysian firm, which then developed the capacity to produce these circuit boards on its own (Moran, 1999). Nevertheless, these have some disadvantages of MNCs. When making a foreign investment, a firms managers contend with many challenges related to a new operation, such as purchasing and installing facilities, staffing, and establishing internal management systems and external business networks. These challenges can put a new subsidiary in a disadvantageous position, as compared to an established firm in the target market, and can decrease its competitiveness. These liabilities, however, tend to decrease as a firms subsidiaries build and improve reputations and legitimacy in the host country in which they operate (Barkema, Bell, Pennings, 1996). Challenges can be experienced by any new subsidiary, but there are difficulties specific to new subsidiaries established in foreign countries. A foreign subsidiary has a liability of foreignness (Hymer, 1976) that can lead to it having higher costs because it cannot conduct business activities as effectively as a local firm. Being foreign means mistakes in various business decisions are more likely (Barkema Vermeulen, 1998; Vermeulen Barkema, 2002). Hoskisson and Turk (1990) argued that internal capital markets have governance and control limits. Markides (1992, 1995) reported value creation from corporate refocusing for firms in the 1980-88 periods. Bergh and Lawless (1998) found in a panel of 164 Fortune 500 firms that there were limits in the efficiency of hierarchical governance and that environmental uncertainty heightened its costs. Many of the costs associated with product diversification such as coordination difficulties, information asymmetry, and incentive misalignment between headquarters and divisional managers in multidivisional firms can be also manifest in multinational enterprises between headquarters and subsidiary managers (Denis et al., 2002; Harris, Kriebel, Raviv, 1982). As the number of internal transactions increases with the number of foreign subsidiaries established by a firm, governance costs can rise rapidly to a point at which the governance costs exceed any internalization benefits (Hitt et al., 1997; Tallman Li, 1996). The governance costs and coordination costs associated with increasing multinationality are compounded if these increases take place by a firms expanding the number of host countries in which it operates. 2.3 Background of Malaysia MNCs According to Madura (2000), there have three form of foreign investment which are acquisitions of existing companies in foreign countries, a joint venture with companies in foreign countries and opening up a companys subsidiary in foreign countries. Companies that conduct any of above form of investment are known as MNCs. Bala (1999) conducted a survey of foreign investments conducted by firms listed at KLSE in orger to identify MNCs originating from Malaysia. From 436 listed firm (as at October 1997), he discovers that 207 firms are actively involved in foreign investment activities and they can be considers as MNCs. In the survey, it was also discovered that 17 companies have more than 20 ongoing foreign investment projects in various countries. Top of the list is Sime Darby with 110 ongoing foreign investment activities spanning in 19 countries (Bala, 1999). As a result, we known Malaysia has highly engages in foreign investment. Above table show the companies in Malaysia that have diversify in foreign country in year 2008. The higher the diversification the lower the risk is. For example, Tanjong PLC has higher diversification which is 2.3667 and has a lower risk which is 1.691 for standard deviation ROA and 1.762 for standard deviation ROE. In contrast, Ireka Corp Bhd has lower diversification which is 0.6931 will has a relative higher risk in which 10.411 for standard deviation ROA and 33.472 for standard deviation ROE. Above table show the companies in Malaysia that have diversify in foreign country in year 2009. The higher the diversification the lower the risk is. For example, Insas Bhd has higher diversification which is 1.3778 and has a lower risk which is 2.009 for standard deviation ROA and 2.990 for standard deviation ROE. In contrast, Selangor Dredging Bhd has lower diversification which is 0.5004 will has a relative higher risk in which 3.835 for standard deviation ROA and 8.024 for standard deviation ROE as compare with Insas Bhd. 2.4 Evidence of Effect on International Diversification on Firm Performance As shown in many studies, the results towards international diversification were uncertainty. Some studies showed benefits of a business by diversification and sometime, some researchers showed that was no benefit on international diversification . In addition, Kim et al. (1989) argue that the firm has more subsidiaries in outside country, its opportunities to leverage strategic resources is greater while simultaneously diversifying market risks, thus raising its performance. As a result, many firms seek to get this benefits by diversify in overseas. One of the studies found that horizontal S-curve between geographic diversification and firms performance (Lu and Beamish, 2004). This mean which at first showed an increasing internationalization and the performance is decline, followed by a positive relationship between increasing firm performance and geographic diversification, and after that declined at very high levels of multinationality. This relationship in turn was moderated by intangible asset advantages that accrued with expansion of the geographic scope of a firm. Firms achieved higher returns to geographic expansion by strong technology or advertising asset advantages. However, there are also some arguments showed the result is negative effects and no relationship of firms international geographic diversification negative relationship. Denis, Denis Yost (2002) and Geringer, Tallman, Olsen (2000) found a negative relationship between geographic diversification and firms performance. It mean that diversification on overseas doesnt result in high return or lower risk to the firms. Furthermore, some studies (Hitt et al., 1997; Gomes and Ramaswamy, 1999; Capar and Kotabe, 2003) found an inverted-U relationship between the extent of geographic spread and performance. Kumar (1984) and Yoshihara (1985) found that there is no significant relationship between diversification and firms performance. Many researchers have different result on whether MNCs gain benefits to the firms performance. Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Data Collection The data of MNCs is collect from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) and obtain by using the source like internet. From the KLSE, we have chosen 27 companies annual report in which fourteen MNCs in year 2008 and thirteen MNCs in year 2009 that all is listed at KLSE. After find the annual report of each company, we calculate the subsidiaries of each company that incorporated in foreign country that outside Malaysia. Furthermore, we also calculate the ROA and ROE in year 2008 and 2009 for each company toward annual reports. We use Microsoft Excel to calculate our data such as ROA, ROE, and Standard Deviation. 3.2 Measurement of International Diversification During last decades, the measurements of the firm diversification seem to have significantly increased. Entropy is one of the methods which have remained use for over two decades (Sankaran P. Raghunathan, 1995). Recently, the entropy measure has been found to enjoy more validity than the other measures of firms diversification (Hoskisson, Hitt, Johnson Moesel, 1993). International diversification is calculated as the entropy of each firms relative to the country or region holdings: D= Siloge (1/S) Where D is diversification, Si is the ratio of a firms holdings (number of subsidiaries) in the country or region i to the total number of foreign subsidiaries. According to the market imperfection and transaction costs theories, the ability of a firm to earn profits upon its intangible assets and to minimize its costs of managing is affected by differences and similarities between the countries in which it was operated (Vachani, 1991). The relevant geographic units have close similarities in fluctuation of demand; external restriction and pattern of general economic conditions. Five geographic region are use to measure international diversification. These market areas are Asia, America, Europe, Asian and other ocean. These five international regions provide with the basic for geographic specification. Each of the firm is assigned a value in term of both the number of its subsidiaries in each region and the number of geographic regions in which it is involved. 3.3 Measurement of Performance Many researchers prefer accounting variables as performance measures such as return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA), along with their variability as measures of risk (Anil M. Pandya and Narendar V. Rao, 1998). Return on total asset (ROA). This is the most frequently used performance measure in previous studies of diversification (Pandya and Rao, 1998). ROA is defined as the ratio of net income (income available to common stockholders) to the book value of total assets it is expressed as: Return on Equity (ROE). This is the ratio of net income (income available to common stockholders) to stockholders equity. It is a measure of company performance from the viewpoint of shareholders. It is essential in the calculation of the ROE to use the profit for ordinary shareholders, which is the profit after tax and after interest charges (Weetman, 2003). It is expressed as: 3.4 Measurement of Profit and Risk In addition to these financial measures, the risk profile of the different diversification groups was also compared. This was achieved by computing the variability and risk per unit of return of the financial ratios. Variability could be measured by the standard deviation while risk per unit of return measured by the coefficient of variation (CV; Pandya and Rao, 1998). The CV is the ratio of the standard deviation to the arithmetic mean. It is expressed as (Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias, 1992): Where SD is standard deviation and is arithmetic mean.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Minority Mental Illness Essay -- essays research papers

Mental health is essential to overall health as well as efficiency. It is the foundation for thriving contributions to family, district, and culture. All through the lifespan, mental health is the source of thoughts and communication skills, knowledge, pliability, and self-esteem. It is all too easy to dismiss the worth of mental health until troubles emerges (Brager, G. & Holloway, S., 1978). Mental health troubles and illnesses are factual and disabling conditions that are experienced by one in five Americans. Those who do not get treatment, mental illnesses can consequence in disability and desolation for families, schools, societies, and the workplace. The mainly important aspect of minorities’ health and wellness is the one that gets the slightest concentration ‘mental health’. Many minorities have to contract with numerous stressful issues at once (Hagedorn, 1977). For instance, current immigrants have to settle in to a new country, learn a new language, look for a good and secure job, afford proper residence for their family, and may also miss their relatives, and friends in their motherland of origin. Further, young minorities have to compact with finding their own ethnic uniqueness and how they fit into their specific racial community. Moreover, all minority communities frequently have to compact with the gloomy and often agonizing realities of what it means to be minority community and a person of color in American society and the chauvinism, inequity, and racism that on occasion goes along with it. Cultural and social features contribute to the causation of mental illness, yet that involvement varies by disorder. Though, Cultures diverge with esteem to the significance they instruct to mental illness, their approach of making sense of the prejudiced experience of illness and distress (Hagedorn, 1977). The implication of an illness refers to entrenched outlooks and beliefs a culture holds concerning whether an illness is actual or probable, whether it is of the body or the mind, whether it deserves understanding, how much disgrace surrounds it, what might ground it, and what kind of person might yield to it. Cultural significance of mental illness have real consequences in terms of whether people are aggravated to look for treatment, how they deal with their indications, how helpful their relatives and communities are, where they search for ... ...ficantly on verbal communication between patient and clinician concerning symptoms, their temperament, strength, and collision on functioning. While lots of mental health professionals endeavor to deliver treatment that is receptive to the culture of the patient, problems can take place. (Anthony, Kennard, O'Brien, Forbes, R. 1986). Physicians must be alert to the prospect of overlooking mental health disorders along with their minority patients. The consequences suggest also the requirement for strategies to look up the discovery of such problems in certain patient populations, mainly African Americans, and Hispanics. References Anthony, W. A., Kennard, W. A., O'Brien, W. F. & Forbes, R. (1986). Psychiatric rehabilitation: Past myths and current realities. 2. Brager, G. & Holloway, S. (1978). Changing Human services organizations: Politics and practice. New York: Free Press. 3. Hagedorn, H. (1977). A manual on state mental health planning (DHHS Publication. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. 4. Hasenfeld, Y. (1983). Human service organizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 5. Levitt, T. (1988). Command and consent Harvard Business Review